Tuesday, March 19, 2013

No Women, No Kids

The fourth installment of my pop culture illustration series for my senior thesis. 

"No Women, No Kids."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Arnold, My Love, My Sultry Pre-Teen

So, "Hey Arnold" is on Netflix. While the show didn't particularly influence my art style, it was one of my absolutely FAVORITES as a kid. And honestly? Watching it again it still really holds up. Both the art, and the writing! I can't think of another kids show that touches on subjects like neglect, alcoholism, immigration and even homelessness in a kid-friendly way. 

And yeah, I'm still a little bitter that Helga never got her sultry pre-teen by the series end. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Me Myself and I

Just Save Up All Your Nickles and Dimes

The third instillation of my cult classic film illustration series! I felt I needed a black and white piece to go with the set and what better film for that than Clerks?Kevin Smith films have been such a huge influence to my writing style. Clerks, Chasing Amy and Dogma all have a place on my favorite films of all time list.